Sunday, 14 December 2008

first image

This is the first image that I created. The month I chose was march, and for me march represents a series of bodybuilding competitions and therefor weight training around that. That is how I ended up doind the dumbbells.
To create the dumbbells I just startet out with a box divided in three sections. I made the middle section smaller to duplicate the grip, and using a mesh smooth modifier I managed to create the rounded shape.
Once I got the dumbbell into the shape I wanted all that was left was playing around with materials and lighting.
For the material I chose anisotropic and changed the specular level as I thought needed. Then in the maps I set the bump to a -250 with a metal brush pattern, and also added raytrace to the reflection map and set it to 35.
For the lighting I used an omni light on each side, and put in a skylight. The skylight made a really big difference on the final look.
The flooring is just a plane with a wooden material on it.

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